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Will Smith, Mark MansonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Will wants to make Her Lake into a creative campus, but he and his wife do not pressure “the kids into show business” (337). Because Will grew up helping his father with his business, he assumes it is natural for his children to be interested in what he does. Willow opens for Justin Bieber on his tour, and when she says she wants to stop doing it, Smith insists she fulfill her commitment. She reminds him that he is the one who made the commitment, not her, but he tells her that she has to complete the tour. Willow’s most famous song is about flipping her hair. When she shaves her head one night, Will understands that she truly does not want to perform anymore.
Smith realizes that his daughter wants him to consider her feelings, but for him, feelings are not significant when compared to things like food and shelter. He does not consider his own feelings when it comes to doing something he believes he ought to do. He saw the damaging effects his father’s feelings had on their family, and it made him distrust emotions. In anger, Willow tells her parents that the picture Smith has in his mind of their family is not who they actually are. Despite achieving everything he ever wanted to, Will realizes that his family is miserable.
Smith starts to notice that all people seem to care about is feelings and that the people he loves really want him to care about their feelings. When he ignores their feelings, they feel unconsidered and unloved. Smith starts to realize that his children have been emotionally injured by him, and he realizes that Willow felt unprotected when she told him she wanted to stop performing and he did not listen. One night, Trey asks his father what he worships, and when Smith answers God, his son asks him if he is certain about this. Will considers this the most profound question anyone has ever asked him.
Will decides to work on After Earth with his family because they always thrive when they have a joint endeavor. He is committed to making sure Jaden feels protected while working on the project. He takes pains to make sure Jaden is comfortable, including bringing in air-conditioned tents to protect him from the elements and making sure his shooting always ends on schedule. He is told that this will make Jaden soft. When Jaden has a disagreement over a move that he feels is unrealistic, he asks for his father. Smith sees this as a great success because it means his son knows that he will have his back. The film is a failure, which Smith attributes to his paying more attention to his son than to cinematic quality. Jaden is the recipient of the backlash, and this causes him to distrust his father. He seeks legal emancipation but never follows through with it.
Smith plans an elaborate party for Jada’s 40th birthday. He hires people to dig back into her family tree and create a documentary for her about her ancestors, and he invites people to New Mexico to celebrate her for numerous days. When he shows the film, she is silent, and when they eventually get back to their room, she accuses him of planning it all to satisfy his ego. She asks him to cancel the rest of the party. The two separate but do not divorce.
Smith does not understand why his life is falling apart again. He contacts Tanya and asks her if he can go to Trinidad with Scoty, her husband. Scoty assures Smith that he does not need security in Trinidad, but the airport is chaotic with fans when they land. Eventually, they manage to leave the airport, and Scoty takes Smith to an art show. Crowds descend on the art show as well.
Smith stays with the Lovelace family. This is odd for him because he always needs advance plans due to his status as a global icon. The next day, they get on a yacht, and Smith feels uncomfortable when he finds out that they are all just going to hang out in the water with no specific plans. He realizes that he has become addicted to work, and he starts to wonder when his accomplishments will ever be enough. He realizes that he never leaves breaks or gaps in anything because he fears these gaps. He leaves Trinidad knowing that some unknown thing is missing in his life. He decides to do a Vipassana, “a ten-day silent retreat,” but instead of 10 days, he decides to do 14 days in a house in Utah (372). He realizes that no one will want to be around him if he does not even want to be around himself.
Smith starts seeing a therapist, Michaela Boehm. She asks him what would make him happy, and he says if he could have anything, he would have a harem. She then asks him who would be in this group, and she tells him that he needs women in it for more than just sex. Over the next couple of days, he realizes that he could never keep a harem satisfied if he cannot keep a single woman happy. He tells Michaela that he had believed that with a harem, he would always have at least one woman who approved of him, but she tells him that living for the approval of someone else means that he will never find freedom. She starts to call the people-pleasing part of him Uncle Fluffy, and she urges Smith to find the part of himself that does not need the approval of others. There is another part of Smith’s character that Micheala calls the General who occasionally shows up and confuses people who are expecting Uncle Fluffy.
Smith tries to learn that it is okay to say no. One day, he is at the Cannes Film Festival, and he has a short break. He is determined to work out during that break to clear his mind, but a man comes up to him and asks him to speak into his camera for his cousin who is a big fan and has Down Syndrome. Smith stands his ground and says no. The man is hurt, and this hurt compels Smith to go up into his room and cry.
While Smith does not do drugs and barely drinks, a friend, Veronica, convinces him to do ayahuasca. The medication is supposed to help with whatever issues a person is dealing with. It is usually recommended for people with post-traumatic stress disorder and other afflictions, and it is not to be used without a professional. He goes into a small cabin and is anxious to find out what is about to happen, but the woman there tells him that he will be led. He takes the drink, and nothing happens until he decides to fall asleep. Then, he feels like he is under a huge starry sky, and it is beautiful. A voice tells him that this is not a place; rather, it is him. This leads him to realize how beautiful he is, and he is released from feeling like he needs to earn love. He does 14 ayahuasca ceremonies in two years.
Smith learns that his father only has weeks left to live, so he goes home to be with him. Three weeks after the diagnosis, Smith tells his father that he did a good job as a parent and that he will take care of all of the people Daddio will leave behind. One night, when Smith is wheeling his father by the stairs, he remembers his childhood wish to avenge his mother’s injuries at the hands of his father. He realizes that he could push his father down the stairs, and no one would ever suspect he did it. He does not do this.
Eventually, Smith receives a call on set informing him that his father is about to die. Smith puts his father on Facetime. Smith realizes that his father’s main consideration during his final days is whether he lived a useful life. When Gigi died, she was excited to go to heaven because she spent her whole life loving people, and she knew God was love. From Gigi, Smith learned that nobody can fill a hole for another person. All that can fill that hole is loving other people well. It is about giving rather than about receiving. Daddio learns this lesson in his final moments.
Jada and Smith attend the funeral. The two realize that marriage is where people learn how to love. It requires bravery, and bravery means moving forward even when there is fear. Jada and Will decide to stay together forever.
Smith decides that for his 50th birthday, he is going to bungee jump out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. This is more dangerous than normal bungee jumping. It will be streamed on YouTube. He invites the people who mean the most to him to witness the event. He begins to worry that his children will watch him die during the stunt, and he is afraid. He jumps.
Smith fully accepts that Money and Fame Cannot Buy Happiness in the chapter entitled “Mutiny.” He had clung to the idea that money could bring stability to his family because he believed that part of what haunted his father was the stress of having to provide. If Smith could amass large sums of money, he believed he might bypass some of those troubles. But when he achieves financial success far greater than most people can ever aspire to, he realizes that his family is still not happy. That revelation forces him to confront the unhappiness in those around him.
When his daughter tells him that the family he envisions them to be is not real, it shatters another one of Smith’s illusions. Smith has always believed in The Importance of Parental Involvement, but his family’s unhappiness makes him realize that there is more to being a good parent and partner than simply being involved in their lives. Smith wants to be a provider and a protector, but he has to learn to listen to what they want and need rather than projecting what he thinks would be best for them. After Willow shaves her head because he will not listen to her pleas to be released from her tour, and Jada says his surprise birthday documentary is about his ego and not her wishes, he realizes that being a good father and partner is about being attentive to his family’s needs, rather than about control or showing off what his money and fame enable him to buy them. He is incredibly proud when Jaden calls for him when he is having difficulty on set because Smith believes his son truly sees him as a protector at this point, demonstrating who Smith truly wants to be as a father. While Smith has always had a desire to care for those around him, the difficulties and successes he faces in these later chapters allow him to grow into what he has always wanted to be.
While the hero’s journey Smith has been on for most of the memoir has taken him out into the world to gain fame and fortune, in the last portion of the book, he starts to journey inward. By confronting the obstacles inside himself, he is able to heal parts of himself and his family. On the yacht in Trinidad, with nothing to do but be, Smith realizes he does not feel comfortable because he is used to being on the move. The discomfort of this withdrawal teaches him that something is missing inside of him. To find out what it is, he ventures even deeper into himself in Vipassana, “a ten-day silent retreat” (372). This proves to be much more difficult for him than he imagined. He journeys even deeper into himself with the use of ayahuasca. While under the effects of this medication, he learns to accept himself and be still.
In the Afterword, Smith completes his hero’s journey, befitting The Importance of Words and Stories have had throughout his life. Like the hero of the monomyth, Smith has overcome the obstacles on his journey and is now returning home to share what he has learned with his family to help them all. Equipped with the insights he gained through meditation and ayahuasca treatments, Smith finally confronts his greatest lifelong weakness: cowardice. At the beginning of his life, Smith felt like a coward because he was not able to protect his mother or the girl who approached the sex offender. As he learns to accept himself more, he also learns true bravery. He and Jada learn that marriage and love are scary but that people can show bravery by continuing even when they are afraid. When Smith jumps out of the plane in the Afterword, he is terrified, but he proves to himself that he can persevere even when he is afraid. He can work through fear. By ending his book with a story of how he overcomes a specific fear, he demonstrates the growth that he experienced over his lifetime and his burgeoning understanding that fear does not need to lead to paralysis.
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