106 pages 3 hours read

Shelley Pearsall

The Seventh Most Important Thing

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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The Second Important Thing-Chapter 25Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“The Second Important Thing” Summary

Arthur tells Squeak to find another table because Arthur is dangerous and is supposed to stay away from Squeak. Squeak says, “dangerous is good” and sits down (108). Arthur rushes to finish eating so he can leave but stops when he sees everything in Squeak’s lunch bag is wrapped in foil, “important thing #2” (109).

Arthur tells Squeak he works for a guy who collects foil, and Squeak gives Arthur his foil pieces. When the bell rings, Squeak says he’ll sit with Arthur tomorrow.

Chapter 24 Summary

Arthur keeps eating lunch with squeak and taking foil to give Mr. Hampton. One day, Arthur writes out the list of important things and asks Squeak what it means. Squeak doesn’t know but suggests Mr. Hampton might use them “for building or making something” (115).

Chapter 25 Summary

On the seventh Saturday of Arthur’s probation, the list changes. It now reads: “FIND THRONE CHAIR” (116). Arthur spends his four hours looking for chairs. Toward the end, he finds an old chair that could have been a throne if fixed up. Arthur is sure “this was the chair Mr. Hampton wanted” (118). He brings it back to the garage and goes home, eager to hear what Mr.