58 pages 1 hour read

Stephenie Meyer

New Moon

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 1-3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Party”

The narrator, Bella Swan, dreams she’s talking to her grandmother when Edward walks up to them, smiling, his skin glittering in the sun. She turns back to her grandmother and realizes she’s looking in a mirror at herself, old and wrinkled. Edward kisses her withered cheek and says, “Happy birthday.”

Bella wakes abruptly. The sky outside her room is overcast, typical of her town, Forks, in northwest Washington State. Today, Bella turns 18. She’s officially older than her beloved boyfriend, Edward, who’s a vampire and eternally 17. With him, Bella’s just had the best summer of her life. She doesn’t want to get older and older while he stays the same.

Her father, Police Chief Charlie Swan, presents her with birthday gifts, including a film camera, but her mind is elsewhere. She drives her old Chevy truck to Forks High School, where she meets Edward and his “sister” Alice—they’re unrelated but pretend at school to be two of five adoptees of the town surgeon, Dr. Carlisle Cullen, and his wife, Esme. All are vampires and must hide this fact; they live near Forks because it’s nearly always cloudy there, which hides their telltale glittery skin.

Alice, happy and eager, has a gift ready, but Bella doesn’t want a big production about it at school. Edward, who’s rich—Alice can see the future, including stock prices—would buy her a car and a college education, but Bella feels too much in debt to someone she still can’t believe loves her. Nothing would please her more than to become a vampire like them so that she can extend their time together far beyond a mortal lifetime. Edward refuses to consider it, saying Bella should enjoy a human experience.

Alice insists that Bella visit the Cullen house that evening for a party. Bella tries to get out of it, but Edward seconds the idea. He and Bella lately share most of their classes; the day passes quietly. They drive back to her house, where he kisses her; she responds so ardently that he must stop her. His teeth are coated with vampire venom.

They watch the film Romeo and Juliet, a class assignment. Romeo’s suicide reminds Edward of his own plans for death, had the vampire James succeeded in killing Bella earlier that year. Edward would travel to Italy to confront the Volturi, the most powerful vampire family, and force them to kill him. Angrily, Bella says, “No matter what might ever happen to me, you are not allowed to hurt yourself!” (20).

She and Edward take her truck to his home, which is elaborately decorated with lanterns, candles, flowers, and a big birthday cake. Carlisle, Esme, and Alice greet her warmly. Jasper, who still has trouble resisting the scent of human blood, stays back, and Rosalie remains distant. She believes Bella is a threat to the family. Bella feels very uncomfortable with all the attention, but she puts on a good face.

Alice has Bella open her gifts. The first is an empty box representing her new car stereo that Emmet installs as she sits. The second gift is from Alice and Edward. As she opens the wrapping, the paper cuts her finger. Jasper lunges at her, but Edward pushes her away while he and Emmet wrestle with Jasper. Bella falls onto broken glass and slits her arm. She looks up “into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires” (29).

Chapter 2 Summary: “Stitches”

Edward crouches near Bella protectively. Carlisle, whose centuries of experience as a surgeon keep him calm, orders Emmet and Rosalie to hustle Jasper out of the house. Esme apologizes to Bella and follows them out. Carlisle and Edward move Bella to the kitchen table, where Carlisle pulls several pieces of glass from her arm. Edward and Alice leave; only Carlisle is immune to the intense attraction of Bella’s blood.

As Carlisle sews up the wound, Bella asks why he deliberately helps humans. He says he wants his life to matter so that “some people’s lives are better because I exist” (34). The son of a preacher, he still believes in God; he hopes that, through his good works, he’ll receive credit from the Creator toward some sort of absolution. Bella realizes Edward doesn’t want her to become a vampire because she’ll lose her soul.

Carlisle only turned Edward because the boy was dying of influenza. His mother, also dying and somehow aware of Carlisle’s nature, commanded him to save her son using his unique powers. He never regretted doing it because Edward is a wonderful person.

Alice finds her a clean shirt, and Edward drives her home. He’s remote; she blames herself, but he says she’s not the guilty party. She goes inside; carrying her gifts, he sneaks up through the window to her room, as always, unbeknownst to Charlie. They open the remaining gifts. Carlisle and Esme got them tickets for a trip to Jacksonville, where Bella’s mom, Renée, lives with her new husband. Edward’s gift is a CD of his beautiful piano compositions. They play it; Bella’s eyes well up. It’s the best gift of all.

They kiss, and Edward does so with a sense of urgency that reminds Bella of when they kissed goodbye just before she went into hiding from James. She falls asleep in his arms but with a troubled heart.

Chapter 3 Summary: “The End”

Bella wakes up feeling “hideous.” She’s slept poorly; her arm throbs; her head aches. Edward gives her a quick kiss and departs; Bella worries that he spent the night pondering the wisdom of their relationship. At school, he’s polite but a bit distant. Bella wants to talk to Alice, who can foretell things about the future, but Edward says she’s away with Jasper for a while.

Struggling with guilt about causing so much trouble for the Cullen family, Bella distractedly works her late-afternoon shift at Newton’s sporting-goods store. Returning home, she finds Edward and her father watching TV sports; again, Edward seems distant. Bella wonders if she and Edward should go away together for a while to let things cool down and give the other Cullens some distance. Either way, she senses uneasily a big change coming to her life.

Wanting to make a record of her time in Forks, which might soon be ending, Bella takes pictures, first of Charlie and Edward; they, in turn, take snaps of her with each of them. When Edward leaves, Bella walks out with him and asks if he’ll spend the night as usual. He says, “Not tonight,” and drives away.

The next morning at school, Edward is even more aloof than before. At lunch, Bella asks her friends to take pictures of each other with her camera. After school, she has the film developed while she works her shift, then brings the pictures home, where she places them in the scrapbook her mother gave her for her birthday. She puts a second set of prints in an envelope for her mom.

Edward is still aloof, but at the end of the next school day, he surprises her by asking if he can come over. They go for a short walk into the nearby forest, where he announces that he and the other Cullens are leaving Forks and that she can’t come with them. Bella protests: He means everything to her. Edward says he no longer wants to pretend he’s not a vampire and, therefore, no longer wants to be with her.

Bella whispers, “Don’t do this” (70), but it’s too late. Edward makes her promise not to do anything rash out of respect for her father. He says she’s a human and will soon forget about him. He promises they’re all leaving forever, including Alice, who’s been close to her: “We won’t bother you again” (72).

Edward disappears into the forest. Desperate, she follows but quickly gets lost. Unwilling to give up, she keeps searching. It gets dark; she stumbles and falls, then lies there for hours. Briefly, voices call her name, but she doesn’t think to answer. Later, she hears more voices and the snuffling sound of a large animal but again feels unable to respond. Finally, a man with a lantern finds her. He gives his name as Sam Uley; he picks her up and carries her to a group of searchers.

The group walks back together. Sam transfers Bella to Charlie, who carries her to his house. It’s well past midnight. Dr. Gerandy from town checks her pulse and asks if she’s hurt. Many people are in the house, including Sam, two other men from the nearby Quileute reservation, and her friend Mike Newton. She overhears Dr. Gerandy telling her dad that the Cullens had to leave right away because of an important job offer elsewhere.

The volunteers depart. On the phone, Charlie learns from his Quileute friend Billy Black that some reservation kids have lit bonfires on the sea cliffs at their home in La Push. Apparently, they’re celebrating the departure of the Cullens, whom they believe to be evil. Jacob Black, Billy’s son, once told Bella stories about vampires raiding the reservation and the Native men turning into wolves to defeat the “cold ones.”

Bella asks how her father knew where to look for her. Charlie shows her a note saying where she went; she can tell it’s a forgery by Edward. Charlie asks Bella if Edward left her in the woods; Bella says he departed within sight of the house, but she followed him into the forest and got lost.

She goes to her room and finds that the CD of Edward’s piano music and her pictures of him are missing. As he told her, “It will be as if I’d never existed” (84).

Interim Chapters Summary

Four un-numbered chapters lie between Chapters 3 and 4. Each consists of a single blank page. They’re titled:




“JANUARY” (86-92).

Chapters 1-3 Analysis

Chapter 1 quickly sketches in Bella’s happy summer with Edward. The Cullens gift her with a lovely birthday party, but it goes horribly wrong. Edward wrestles with his conscience, and in Chapter 3, he pulls the rug out from under Bella when he decides to leave her for her own safety.

As in the other books in the Twilight series, Bella is the narrator, which generates a first-person-limited perspective. Bella reports all events from her own experience or details that other characters report to her. Bella’s viewpoint is warm, sincere, honest, and humorously sardonic. The book owes its charm to her lively intelligence. Her enthusiasm dims only during the first few months of her separation from Edward when depression floors her.

The Cullens follow a rule that prevents them, despite their deepest urges, from attacking humans for their blood. They vacate their home both to protect her and to avoid any trouble that might betray them as vampires. Their experiment in human-vampire friendship is unique; they’re improvising and feeling their way as they go along; separating from Bella seems a logical choice.

Bella’s bloody accident at the Cullen house points at the enormous effort the family must make to resist the lure of human blood. Their ability to do so, even if imperfect, is a testament to their commitment to non-violent relations with humans.

The author, a practicing Mormon, shares with many conservative Christians a prescription against non-marital sex. The vampires’ blood lust and their efforts to suppress it symbolize the powerful sexual urges that humans often repress, appetites that can get the better of them and sometimes cause social disasters. The incident between Bella and Jasper suggests a scenario in which a human boy brings his girlfriend home to visit the family, and one of his uncles tries to rape her. It’s very hard for things to work out well between boyfriend and girlfriend after that.

Like Bella, Edward engages in harsh self-criticism; consumed by guilt, he tries to break it off with Bella to protect her from him and his family. He badly underestimates how much this will hurt her; he also misjudges her resolve and level of commitment to him. Had he realized how devastated she would be and how much it would upset her life, Edward might have tried to find another way to resolve the risks to both body and spirit. Instead, he makes the wrong choice, and the tragic consequences begin to pile up.

Bella gets no vote in the Cullens’ decision to leave; she’s not consulted until they’re already gone. They believe this will make the separation a “clean break.” Bella recalls her Phoenix doctor saying the same about her leg, broken during James’s attempt to kill her: The clean break “will heal more easily, more quickly” (72). For all their powers and wisdom, the Cullens fail to foresee that Bella’s broken heart won’t heal but fester.

Edward says goodbye to Bella in the forest and walks away. Later, Sam Uley finds her and brings her back out. This is an important moment in the story: It’s Bella’s transference from the Cullens to the care of the Quileutes, with whom she’ll spend half the novel, slowly recovering from her wrenching loss.

The four empty chapters, titled October, November, December, and January, evoke the depth of Bella’s depression as she mourns the loss of Edward’s love. Their silence expresses Bella’s emotional calamity more eloquently than words. Her withdrawal occurs in autumn and early winter, months that grow colder and darker as leaves fall and death’s hand makes its annual sweep across the landscape. The chill fits Bella’s mood: its relentlessness matches her ongoing grief.

Edward’s noble, if foolish, attempt to protect her from dangers she already accepts will lead to more danger than the risks he wants to prevent. His departure puts both of their lives in peril.