68 pages 2 hours read

Tomson Highway

Kiss of the Fur Queen

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Kiss of the Fur Queen by Tomson Highway masterfully combines Cree mythology with a poignant narrative about cultural survival and personal identity. Readers praise its lyrical prose and rich character development. Some find its nonlinear structure challenging, potentially hindering the flow for less patient readers. Nonetheless, the novel remains powerful and evocative.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Kiss of the Fur Queen?

Readers who appreciate Kiss of the Fur Queen by Tomson Highway are often drawn to poignant narratives about Indigenous experiences, cultural identity, and resilience. Similar to Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine, this novel appeals to those interested in rich, character-driven stories that explore the complexities of heritage and survival.


Reading Age


Book Details

Realistic Fiction
Coming of Age / Bildungsroman
Trauma / Abuse / Violence
Love / Sexuality
Emotions/Behavior: Fear
Emotions/Behavior: Forgiveness
Emotions/Behavior: Hate & Anger