57 pages 1 hour read

Lois Duncan

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1973

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Chapters 1-3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

The novel opens with 17-year-old Julie James finding two letters beside her plate at breakfast. Her mother, Mrs. James, brought them in for her before the opening of Chapter 1. Julie, a high school senior, opens the envelope from Smith College to discover that she has been accepted. Her mother, an alumna of Smith, is excited but notes how Julie changed after a certain day last summer. Julie corrects her mother, clarifying that she did not break up with Raymond Bronson, but they decided to take a break that day. Internally, she becomes emotional about the event that led to this—their friend group accidentally hitting someone with a car and fleeing the scene.

Julie goes to her bedroom without eating, forgetting the other letter. She thinks about how she wants to keep the secret of the accident from her mother, but her mother is very observant. Then, she recalls when they redid her room in pink for her 16th birthday and the pink shirt she wore the night of the accident. Julie tries to calm herself and thinks about how the accident made her more serious over the past year. The thought of moving away to college steadies her, and she plans out who she will show her acceptance letter to, specifically her teachers and Bud, a man she is dating.

Julie’s mother knocks on her door, noting that she is now running late for school, and Julie admits she lost track of time. She thinks about how she will be leaving her mother alone because her father is dead and is impressed that her mother is still supportive and encouraging. After rejecting her mother’s offer to drive her to school, Julie gathers her things and returns downstairs. Mrs. James reminds her to take the letter she forgot earlier. The letter contains a handwritten note on notebook paper. Julie doesn’t reveal the contents to her mother, feels ill, and thinks she is having a nightmare. The note says, “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER” (9). 

Chapter 2 Summary

Barry Cox is driving from his frat house to the Four Seasons Apartments, where Helen Rivers lives. He’s still dating her after high school because she has a job as the Future Star at Channel Five. Barry’s mother does not approve of them dating, which only makes Helen more attractive to Barry. Barry also dates other girls, but he thinks Helen doesn’t. Helen gives him a lot of space, so her asking him to come over this particular night was unusual.

Barry arrives at Helen’s apartment and sees a group of people at the pool for a Friday night party. A girl in a bikini talks to him, and he regrets that his father would only pay for him to live in a frat house, not an apartment. Helen opens the door for him, still in her work clothes, and asks him to come in. He sees that Julie is also there. Julie, Barry notes, looks less vibrant than she used to be before the accident. Julie shows him the note, saying there was no return address.

The girls reassure Barry that they haven’t told anyone what happened last summer, including Julie’s mother. Barry suggests that Ray wrote the note. Julie mentions that Ray was in California the last time she heard from him, and Helen mentions that she saw Ray in town the previous day. Julie still is not convinced that Ray sent the note. Helen asks if someone could have traced Barry’s car, but Barry thinks that’s impossible. Then, Barry suggests the note is just a random prank by some kids and not about the accident. Julie is unsure how kids could have gotten her address since her phone number is unlisted.

Barry convinces Helen and Julie that it could be a creepy guy, maybe someone Julie rejected for a date. Helen notes how she gets disturbing phone calls at the television studio. They discuss how someone waiting 10 months after the accident to send the note is unlikely. Barry has to leave and offers Julie a ride, but Julie borrowed her mom’s car. Helen asks Barry if he wants to make plans for Memorial Day, and he says he will talk to her later about it.

When Barry leaves, he sees the party at the pool has started to wind down. He walks through the dark into the parking lot and starts his car. He hears another car start right after but can’t see where it is. When he drives back to the frat house, he sees lights behind him that follow him when he turns onto his street, but the car continues past when he stops at the curb in front of the frat house. Barry is frustrated that he’s concerned about the note and the car, and he feels like someone is watching him as he walks to his door.

Chapter 3 Summary

Julie arrives home and sees a car in the driveway, but it does not belong to her date, Bud. Instead, it is Ray’s father’s car, and Ray is talking with her mother inside. They talk about his fishing boat gig in California ending and her getting into Smith. Mrs. James excuses herself to ice a cake in the kitchen.

Julie admits she has a date coming over and notices Ray’s physical changes since she last saw him, including a beard and a tan, but his eyes remain the same. Ray notes that she looks very different. She claims she hasn’t let herself think about the accident but sent flowers to the funeral. Ray recalls how Barry, driving, hit someone on a bicycle. Ray and Julie talk about Helen’s job at Channel Five, called Future Star, which she got by winning a beauty contest, and her relationship with Barry. Julie thinks Helen made a mistake in staying with Barry. Ray defends Barry’s actions after the accident, such as swearing everyone to secrecy after he left the scene.

Julie tells Ray about the note. Unlike Barry, Ray does not think it is a prank and asks if the new guy in her life is a prankster. She says Bud is a veteran and very serious about everything. When Julie says she doesn’t love Bud, Ray reminds her of their old chemistry. Ray says leaving home did not help him forget about the incident and that going to Smith won’t help her forget. He suggests they consider dissolving the pact of secrecy about the accident. Julie doesn’t believe the others will agree to it. Bud arrives for his date with Julie and talks briefly—and civilly—with Ray before Ray leaves. Julie goes upstairs to finish getting ready and feels a pang of regret about dating Bud instead of Ray as she comes back downstairs. 

Chapters 1-3 Analysis

I Know What You Did Last Summer has a limited third-person narrator and switches between points of view. Duncan’s narrator offers descriptions of the characters with their names and third-person pronouns (he/she/they) but also includes their thoughts. Julie is the novel’s protagonist because more chapters are devoted to her point of view than any other character, including the first and last chapters. Throughout the novel, the narrator focuses on the point of view of the other teenagers—Barry, Helen, and Ray—and their parents.

One theme introduced in this section is Gender Roles, informed by feminist thought. On the first page, the narrator describes a “letter, long and white and official” (1) and, on the second page, reveals that it is Julie’s acceptance letter from Smith. Smith is a historic women’s college, one of the Seven Sisters on the East Coast, which were founded as women-only educational institutions to mirror the male-dominated Ivy League schools. One reason women seek out women’s colleges rather than co-ed institutions is to avoid sexism. Barry is an example of a sexist character in that he characterizes women as inherently “irrational.” He thinks, “I’m as uptight as those crazy girls” (21) when he’s worried he is being followed after seeing Julie’s threatening note from the antagonist. Barry also finds value in dating Helen because she is on TV in a role she earned through a beauty contest.

The motif of print media is seen in the two different letters. While Julie’s acceptance letter foregrounds Gender Roles in the novel, the titular note develops the theme of The Effects of Guilt About Manslaughter. The phrase “I know what you did last summer” is “hand-lettered in stark black print” (1) on lined notebook paper. Ironically, the envelope holding the message is the “size of a party invitation” (8). The author of this note is the antagonist, and his dual identity is not revealed until the novel’s end. The reader later learns that the handwriting belongs to a man that Julie is dating, Bud, who also is Helen’s new neighbor going by the name of Collie (who is not introduced until the next section).

Early clues to the antagonist’s identity can be found in this first section. For instance, Julie feels uneasy about Bud, the man she recently began dating before the novel’s opening. She thinks about breaking things off with him because it “would be good for him to realize that this relationship wasn’t going to go anywhere” (6). Her reason for dating Bud is tied to The Effects of Guilt About Manslaughter. She broke up with Ray over the guilt of a car accident they were involved in that killed a little boy. This event from the previous summer traumatized Julie, leading her to casually date a man who tries to kill her at the novel’s end.

The motif of eyes further develops the theme of The Effects of Guilt About Manslaughter. Early on, Julie notes how Ray and Bud have different colored eyes. She doesn’t suspect Ray is the antagonist because “No stranger could ever look at her through Ray’s green eyes” (30). Eyes come up again when the antagonist stares at Barry, who was driving during the accident. Barry “kept having the uneasy feeling that there was a pair of eyes boring into his back” (22). It is later revealed that the eyes belong to Bud (aka Collie). Bud, like the teens, experiences The Effects of Guilt About Manslaughter. Rather than having trauma from killing a boy in a car accident, Bud has PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from the war. In the original edition of the novel, it was the Vietnam War, but in the revised edition—which came out after the movie adaptation—it is the Iraq War. This trauma turns him into someone who tries to kill the teens who hit his half-brother on a bicycle with a car.

The Effects of Guilt About Manslaughter that the teens experience over their hit-and-run accident include physical and psychological changes. In addition to the psychological effect of dating the wrong guy, Julie looks different. She avoided Barry for almost a year after the accident, and when he sees her for the first time, he notes that her “glow seemed to have faded” (15). Before the accident, Julie was much more outgoing and friendly, and her personality illuminated her features. Similarly, when Julie sees Ray after many years apart, she notes that he “had changed tremendously since she had last seen him” (25). Trauma ages the teens, making them look older and less vivacious.

Another central theme introduced here is Family and Identity Formation. Just as Bud is shaped by his experiences in the war, the teens form their identities in relation to and sometimes in opposition to their parents. Parents determine the teens’ social classes and help form their personalities through parenting techniques. Julie’s mother, Mrs. James, is uncannily observant: “She has this funny way of knowing more than you ever tell her” (4), Julie thinks. This quality ends up saving Julie’s life at the end of the novel. It also creates a closeness between her and her mother.

On the other hand, Barry and his mother have an adversarial relationship. When Barry wishes he could live in the same apartment building as Helen, he notes how “it wasn’t his mother’s idea of something the old man should finance” (13-14). Julie and Barry are from the same social class—Julie’s mother is an alumna from Smith and can afford the expensive tuition there, and Barry’s father pays for his room and board at the local university. Yet, Barry’s mother keeps him from attending a university that is not local, unlike Mrs. James’s encouragement of Julie to attend Smith, located across the country. Furthermore, Barry’s mother does not want Barry to live in a year-round apartment rather than a dorm that is only open during the academic terms. Mrs. Cox’s attempt to keep him close ruins their relationship.