67 pages 2 hours read

Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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Chapters 7-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “The Wildness of Stories”

That night, Conor has to sleep on the settee while Grandma takes his room. He falls asleep and has the nightmare “With the wind roaring and the ground shaking and the hands holding tight but still somehow slipping away” (44). He wakes up at 12:07am and finds the monster waiting for him outside in the backyard. The monster has come to tell Conor the first story, although Conor has too much on his mind to want to listen. The monster is amazed that “Nothing [it does] seems to make [Conor] frightened of [it],” but the monster also realizes that Conor has “worse things to be frightened of” (50). The monster reminds Conor that he was the one who called for it to come, although Conor does not remember doing so. Conor is disappointed that the yew tree monster just wants to tell him stories instead of actually helping him, but the monster replies that “Stories are wild creatures,” (51) and that his stories teach valuable lessons. He wants to tell Conor the story of “the end of a wicked queen and how [it] made sure she was never seen again” (51). Thinking of his fight with Grandma, Conor agrees to hear the story.

Chapter 8 Summary: “The First Tale”

The monster tells Conor about an ancient kingdom that was ruled by a king and queen who had four sons. The king’s sons all died while defending the kingdom from chaos and invaders, and the queen died of a broken heart, “leaving the king only one heir. His infant grandson” (53). The king remarried a younger woman, and right before the grandson was old enough to ascend to the throne, the king died. Rumors spread that his new wife poisoned him, and that “she had conjured grave magicks to make herself look far younger than she actually was” (53-54). She became the queen regent until the grandson came of age and could take over. The young prince fell in love and wanted to marry a farmer’s daughter, but when his step-grandmother tried to convince him to marry her instead so she could remain queen, the prince ran away with his bride-to-be. They slept in the shade of the yew tree, and the next morning, the prince found his beloved stabbed to death and his own hands covered in blood. The prince blamed the wicked queen, and a mob formed to kill her. The monster came to life, saying that “[it] know[s] injustice when [it] sees it” (57). Conor is pleased at the thought of the wicked queen being punished, but the monster tells him that “The story [...] is not yet finished” (57).

Chapter 9 Summary: “The Rest of the First Tale”

The monster explains that it came walking to rescue the queen from the angry mob, and it “took her and carried her far enough away so that the villagers would never find her” (58). Conor is outraged at the thought that the monster would help a murderer escape her punishment, but the monster points out that “[it] never said she killed the farmer’s daughter” (58), only that the prince accused her. The monster shows Conor the scene and reveals that the prince committed the murder. The prince needed an excuse to turn the people of the kingdom against the queen so they would help him overthrow her. Conor is furious and calls it “a terrible story. And a cheat” (64). The monster explains that sometimes life is like that sometimes: “Many things that are true feel like a cheat” (64). Conor wants to know how this story is supposed to save him from his Grandma, to which the monster replies “It is not her [Conor] need[s] saving from” (64). Conor wakes up in his bed, and when he tries to get out of bed, he stubs his toe on a tree sapling that is growing from the wooden floor.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Understanding”

The next day on his way to school, Lily catches up with Conor and says that she forgives him for getting her in trouble. Conor tries to ignore her, but Lily comments that “[her] mum said we need to make allowances for you [...] Because of what you’re going through” (67). Conor is overwhelmed with anger and has violent thoughts about hurting Lily, but he walks away from her quickly. He remembers how “Lily had told a few of her friends about Conor’s mum” (68), and how word spread around school until everyone was treating him differently. Later in the day, Harry and his friends continue to bully Conor, although Harry won’t let anyone else hit Conor, because he says that “O’Malley and I have an understanding [...] I’m the only one who touches him” (70). Miss Kwan breaks up the fight, then privately tells Conor that she knows Harry is bullying him. She tells him to let her know if he needs to talk about anything, which makes Conor feel worse.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Little Talk”

After school, Grandma tells Conor that he is coming to stay with her for a few days. His mother is going back to the hospital because “There’s a lot of pain [...] More than there should be” (74), and her usual pain medicine isn’t working. Conor’s dad is coming, and his mum wants to talk to him. Conor finds his mum in his room, and she insists that she’s going to be okay. He notices that his mother looks exceptionally skinny and pale, “almost like [she] was just bone and skin” (77). His mother admits that “this latest treatment’s not doing what it’s supposed to” (78) but insists that the doctors will fix her right up. Conor seems doubtful and asks his mother to be honest with him. She doesn’t respond, but she points out the yew tree out the window and asks Conor to “Keep an eye on it for [her] while [she’s] away” (78).

Chapter 12 Summary: “Grandma’s House”

Five days pass at Grandma’s house, and the monster does not come to visit. Grandma leaves for the hospital, where she is now spending most of her time, and Conor’s father is on his way to pick him up so they can spend some time together. Conor thinks about how “His grandma’s house was cleaner than his mum’s hospital room” (81), and how he doesn’t feel comfortable or welcome in a place like this. After Grandma leaves for the hospital, Conor wanders around the house, making note of all of the things that make the home feel like a museum, including “his grandma’s prize clock, which no one but her could ever touch” (84). Conor is bored and restless in the house, but when his father arrives, “Conor smile[s] wider than he had for at least a year” (85).

Chapters 7-12 Analysis

The first tale calls upon imagery that Conor describes as “fairy tale-ish,” but the monster insists that these events truly happened, and he even identifies himself as a character in the story. Conor is annoyed that the story doesn’t follow the formula he was expecting: the evil queen wasn’t evil after all, the good prince turned out to be a murderer, and the farmer’s daughter was an innocent victim. No one got what they deserved, and Conor finds this unfair. The monster’s tales always hold a deeper meaning, and the monster breaks the tradition of virtue-driven children’s stories. Moralistic fairy tales often contain the message that good things happen to good people, and bad people always get what they deserve. Conor believes that his mother, a good person, will be protected from death. But the death of the farmer’s daughter shakes this belief and frightens him. Similarly, Conor views his grandmother as a “witch” of sorts: one who has come to disrupt his life and force her own views upon him. The monster’s first tale serves as a reminder that the “evil queen” might not be evil at all. This is supported by Grandma and Conor’s conversation in the kitchen: Grandma might be abrasive and blunt, but she is already planning a life for Conor, and she makes sure to tell him that she loves him and has a home for him. Conor has forgotten that this illness isn’t just impacting him and his mother, but everyone who loves her, including Grandma.

At school, Ness reveals the specifics of what happened with Lily. Conor used to consider Lily as one of his best friends, but once she overstepped and shared the details of what was happening with his mum, Conor lost all trust in Lily because of the effects of her actions. Lily’s indiscretion led to the whole school finding out about his mother’s illness, and Conor is still feeling the effects of it a year later. Conor has a strong response to the notion that he is “different” from his classmates: he is overcome with rage when Lily implies that she has to “allow” him to behave badly. He tenses up and again feels anger when Miss Kwan draws attention to his situation in the school yard. The second stage of the typical grief cycle is anger, and in this chapter cluster, the reader begins to see Conor’s emerging anger as he starts to accept that his mother’s illness is terminal. This anger is tied to his fear and uncertainty about his mother’s future and also to the ways in which he is being “othered” at school.

By contrast, Conor’s interactions with Harry do not hint at anger. Conor doesn’t seem upset by Harry’s constant harassment, but as Harry stated, the two boys seem to have an “understanding” of sorts. Harry is perplexed by Conor’s behavior, which will eventually lead up to the dramatic telling of the third tale. By the end of the story, when the truth of Conor’s nightmare is revealed, Ness suggests that Conor’s guilt over wishing for his mother’s death (and therefore the end of her pain) caused him to believe that he deserved some form of punishment. Harry’s harassment counterintuitively alleviates Conor’s misguided belief that he is bad for wishing for an end to his and his mother’s ordeal. The monster, as a physical manifestation of Conor’s grief, serves to help Conor confront and correct this belief.